
498 results


Our physics courses offer excellent employment opportunities as well as a strong core physics education with an emphasis on transferable skills. It is a fascinating subject that not only helps us understand how the physical universe operates, but also underpins many of the technologies we use in our everyday lives.‌


Discover the power and limitations of financial techniques and develop the confidence to critique how financial information is used, but often misunderstood

Undergraduate Full time 4 or 3 years


Discover the power and limitations of financial techniques and develop the confidence to critique how financial information is used, but often misunderstood

Undergraduate Full time 4 or 3 years


Through our teaching and research, we bring together subjects in STEM to address global societal challenges and develop life-changing technologies


Economics focuses on the macroeconomic challenges of national, regional, and global economies with the microeconomics behaviour of people and businesses

Undergraduate Full time 4 years


Accounting looks at how money flows in and out of businesses, and how that information is managed. Finance focuses on how businesses grow and manage their assets and liabilities such as company funds, interest rates, markets, and investment opportunities


Economics looks at the decisions made by people and organisations and how they impact the world around us. It also helps us understand how money and wealth link to politics, law, and geography


Advancing societal needs and human health through the University’s strength in creative design, technological innovation and translating research into real impact on a local, national, and international scale.


Study several areas in discrete mathematics, which involves finite or countable structures, including difference equations, game theory, and combinatorics

Module code: MA21003 Credits: 20