
1472 results


Become a better healthcare educator, whether you’re new to teaching or wanting to further your skills and knowledge in your educational role.

Postgraduate Distance Learning (Other) 24 months max (part time)


Become a better healthcare educator, whether you’re new to teaching or wanting to further your skills and knowledge in your educational role.

Postgraduate Distance Learning (Other) 48 months max (part time)


Become a better healthcare educator, whether you’re new to teaching or wanting to further your skills and knowledge in your educational role.

Postgraduate Distance Learning (Other) 72 months max (part time)


Suitable for all Healthcare Professionals and Independent Practitioners who need to prescribe within their current role, and meet their professional governing body requirements

Short Distance learning 3 months (part time)


We promote the good health of children attending the nursery and take necessary steps to prevent the spread of infection


TCTU is a collaboration between the University of Dundee and NHS Tayside and is located within Tayside Medical Science Centre (TASC) at Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee.