
1463 results


Medical Physics is an extremely varied discipline with a wide range of applications concerned with technology in healthcare.


The Tayside Medical Science Centre (TASC) combines the research strengths of the University of Dundee with NHS Tayside.


Medical art encompasses a wide range of applications from patient communication and information to medical teaching and training

Postgraduate Full time 12 months (full time)


Learn how to apply, improve, and develop medical imaging and biotechnological products and systems to improve the efficiency and accuracy of diagnosing diseases

Postgraduate Full time 12 months (full time)


Advancing societal needs and human health through the University’s strength in creative design, technological innovation and translating research into real impact on a local, national, and international scale.


Become a better medical educator in radiology, whether you're new to teaching or wanting to further your skills and knowledge in your educational role

Postgraduate Distance learning 24 months max (part time)


Become a better medical educator in oncology, whether you're new to teaching or wanting to further your skills and knowledge in your educational role

Postgraduate Distance learning 24 months max (part time)


Become a better medical educator in surgery, whether you're new to teaching or wanting to further your skills and knowledge in your educational role

Postgraduate Distance learning 24 months max (part time)


Become a better medical educator using simulation, whether you're new to teaching or wanting to further your skills and knowledge in your educational role

Postgraduate Distance learning 24 months max (part time)


Become a better medical educator using simulation, whether you're new to teaching or wanting to further your skills and knowledge in your educational role

Postgraduate Distance learning 48 months max (part time)


Become a better medical educator using simulation, whether you're new to teaching or wanting to further your skills and knowledge in your educational role

Postgraduate Distance learning 72 months max (part time)