
13357 results

Discovery is our online collection of published research material. Search for articles, books, conference papers, research theses and other material.

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An online introduction to object-oriented programming using the Java programming language to participants who already have some (other) programming experience

Short Distance learning 10 weeks (part time)


Exploring the role of philosophy in the 21st century, we are unique in Scotland in specialising in Continental Philosophy


Our goal is to provide an outstanding education in an inclusive learning environment. Integral to our academic culture is the commitment to teaching programmes that are research-informed and research programmes that have impact on health and well-being. We believe in supporting students and staff and to achieve our core purpose which is to transform lives, both locally and globally.


Discover how the universe behaves and how physics is used in many of the technologies that we use in our everyday lives


The Binks Institute for Sustainability addresses the critical questions we face in achieving environmental sustainability locally and globally.


Mathematics is interesting, exciting and challenging. Learn how to create, analyse, and interpret mathematical models and theories which are applicable to a wide range of careers


Substance Use Research Group: (SURG) conducts research which aims to understand the harms associated with a wide range of substances, and to inform the design and delivery of interventions and services.