
13365 results

Discovery is our online collection of published research material. Search for articles, books, conference papers, research theses and other material.

Web portal for SITS used by applicants, students, and staff

Our virtual learning environment (VLE)

Find out when and where your module classes are

Launch apps and get support and information for staff

Our accolades, awards, and league table rankings in university guides

App for staff to request annual leave, sick leave, download pay slips, enter expenses, deal with invoices and purchase orders


An online introduction to object-oriented programming using the Java programming language to participants who already have some (other) programming experience

Short Distance learning 10 weeks (part time)


The Finance and Procurement Directorate is responsible for the management of the University’s financial affairs.


Through our teaching and research, we bring together subjects in STEM to address global societal challenges and develop life-changing technologies


Our aim in External Relations is to support and enhance the University’s reputation. We develop activities to attract students, staff, and funding for the University.


We work in partnership with staff and students to raise the University's profile and engage a wide range of audiences across the markets in which we operate


The Enquiry Centre team are here to provide support, advice, and direct you to other services.


Learn in an inclusive and friendly environment, where you can develop your legal skills and prepare for your future career in law


Estates and Campus Services are responsible for the strategic planning, development, alteration, and operation of the University's land and buildings.


1st in the UK for Forensic Science in the Complete University Guide 2023, we are one of only a handful of universities in the UK using Thiel embalming methods to produce near life-like cadavers.


Dundee’s UNESCO City of Design status make it an ideal location to study architecture due to its creative reputation and ambitious city regeneration