
23 results


How the University Nursery takes great care to treat each individual as a person in their own right, with equal rights and responsibilities to any other individual


How we aim to promote an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated, and prejudice and discrimination are challenged through positive reinforcement.


How the University Nursery aims to support the recruitment of high-quality staff to always act in the best interests of children’s safety and welfare.


The procedures the University Nursery follows when dealing with biting behaviours.


How the University ensures a fair and consistent approach is taken where there are management concerns about a member of staff’s performance.


We believe that parents, carers, and staff need to work together in a close partnership in order for children to receive the quality of care and early learning to meet their individual needs


The University’s probation procedure for professional and research staff is designed to ensure that new members of staff are supported during the first months of employment at the University. This policy is currently being piloted in specific areas of the University.


The University Nursery's commitment to the importance of daily outdoor play and the physical development of all children.