
128 results


This policy covers what happens when a student notifies student services they are leaving or when they have graduated


How the University Nursery takes great care to treat each individual as a person in their own right, with equal rights and responsibilities to any other individual


The Student Placement Toolkit is relevant to the Equality Act 2010, the Public Sector Equality Duty and the protected characteristics as set out in the Act. The summary sets out the level of relevance and where the Toolkit takes account of equality issues and where gaps are identified.


Data was captured on 02 May 2014, and includes information on gender, ethnicity, and disability for two distinct groups of staff. Staff aligned to the Single Pay Spine and staff on Clinical Grades. Counts are based on assignment.


Standards that all recruiting managers should follow in order to ensure high-quality hiring decisions and practices.


This policy sets out how the University will meet its statutory, regulatory and legal responsibilities in respect of its safeguarding.


How we aim to promote an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated, and prejudice and discrimination are challenged through positive reinforcement.


The organisational structure of Professional Services within the University of Dundee


The Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG Scheme) is the membership scheme for staff who work with vulnerable groups.