
23 results


How the University safeguards anyone who may be affected by legionella or similar bacteria within or close to University premises and ensures an effective management system is in place.


Equality impact assessments (EIA) ensure that policies, practices and decisions are fair, meet the needs of staff and students and are not inadvertently discriminating against any protected group


A policy detailing how the University reduces risks arising from the storage, handling, and use of cryogenic materials.


How the University reduces exposure to noise and vibration in the workplace to as low a level as is reasonably practicable for its staff, students, contractors and visitors.


How the University manages risk in relation to staff and student fieldwork.


How the University controls the risks to people and property when using autoclaves.


How equipment should be used and maintained in order to minimise the risk of injuries to staff, students, and visitors.


How the University follows best practice in asbestos management and provides full information on asbestos to anyone who may be exposed and affected by asbestos under the University’s control.


The University of Dundee acknowledges the extreme risks to life, property and the University's livelihood caused by fire, and the legal requirements to control fire risks.