
22 results


The Argument Analysis Wall (ARG-Wall) is a 3.2m x 2.4m touchscreen interface

Campus: City


Designed primarily to support the gathering of user requirements, especially through the use of drama

Campus: City


Our purpose-built observation lab records human interaction with technology

Campus: City


The Concrete Technology Unit has some of the best equipped laboratories in the UK

Campus: City

Female User Centre participant who uses communication device for speaking in conversation with volunteer during a group session.
View The User Centre


The User Centre is a place where groups of computer users and learners of varying skills meet to learn and help each other in a friendly environment

Campus: City


We maintain a well-equipped geotechnical engineering laboratory for teaching and research support

Campus: City


The Scottish Marine And Renewables Test (SMART) Centre.

Campus: City


The laboratory gives a sterile working environment where you can grow/maintain cells and engineer tissues under the correct physiochemical conditions

Campus: City

Person in a hazmat suit kneeling on the ground in the woods
View Forensic Services


All of our forensic anthropology staff are casework active and some have given evidence in court in the UK (Scotland, England Wales). All forensic anthropology and archaeology practitioners are certified with their professional bodies.

Campus: City