
40 results

Alessio Ciulli holding a 3D model
View Spinning out


From their inception, universities have always been centres of creativity, a gathering point for curious minds. They have also been drivers of our economy, turning ideas into application and creating new businesses.

Published on 5 August 2022 

a group of people facing the camera and smiling for a photo
View Celebrating our staff


Wherever in the world the Alumni Relations team travel we always love to hear the tales of the people our alumni met at Dundee and the real sense of community that exists.

Published on 9 August 2020 

Kevin Quantum standing with his palms facing upwards and smiling
View Playing with Fire


Earlier this year, viewers across the UK witnessed the magic of Dundee graduate, Kevin Quantum, on the ITV hit show Britain’s Got Talent

Published on 4 August 2020 

a group image of a lot of people
View Keeping it in the family


The intimate connections between Dundee and the Indian sub-continent are well known in relation to the jute industry. However, Dundee’s international student connections have a similarly long and deep history. 

Published on 7 August 2020