
18 results


Guidance for current students on applying to allow dependants, who are family or partners, to stay in the UK with the main Student visa holder during their studies.


The University of Dundee, like other Scottish Higher Education institutions, charges different fees depending on your Fee Status.

Collection: Tuition fees


You need to apply for exemption from Council Tax, this is not automatic. If all adults in your household are students you can get 100% exemption from Council Tax.


If you hold a Student visa you may be able to work while studying however you will need to check you are allowed. If you start to work in the UK you will also need to apply for a National Insurance Number.


If you are an International student coming to the UK to study a course that lasts longer than six months, you are likely to need a Student visa. You will be able to apply for this after you receive your Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number from the University of Dundee.