
19 results


A Graduate visa gives you permission to stay in the UK for at least 2 years after successfully completing a course in the UK.


If you are a UK Student visa holder and wish to travel to other European countries for a holiday you need to apply for a Schengen visa


If you hold a Student visa you may be able to work while studying however you will need to check you are allowed. If you start to work in the UK you will also need to apply for a National Insurance Number.


Guidance for current students on applying to allow dependants, who are family or partners, to stay in the UK with the main Student visa holder during their studies.


If you have studied using a Tier 4 / Student visa there are several methods to work in the UK after the end of your course.


The Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) is used by the UK Government to stop the spread of knowledge and skills that could be used in the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction